

Digital Agriculture Policies and Strategies for Innovations in the Agri-Food Systems – Cases of Five West African Countries

The objectives of this study were to provide an overview of the status of digital agriculture, analyze efforts in developing the enabling environment and innovations, and formulate recommendations based on the identified gaps for the effective transformation of the sector.

A Survey on Digital Agriculture in Five West African Countries

A peer reviewed journal publication from the AGriDI initiative. An analysis of the scientific contributions of Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria and the cases of actual deployment.
Cover page - FUNAAB article

Exploring Machine Learning Models for Soil Nutrient Properties Prediction: A Systematic Review

A peer reviewed journal publication from the FUNAAB SMARTSOIL project. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the use of machine learning in predicting soil qualities. Smart agriculture, as exemplified by this study, can improve food quality and productivity.

Les solutions numériques dans le secteur agricole au Bénin

ACED (2023). Les solutions numériques dans le secteur agricole au Bénin. ACED, Note de politique, 2p. Les informations contenues dans cette note de politique sont tirées du rapport ACED (2023). Écosystème de l’agriculture numérique au Bénin


ACED (2023). Écosystème de l’agriculture numérique au Bénin : Une analyse de l’environnement institutionnel, des solutions numériques et des acteurs. Rapport de recherche. Abomey-Calavi, Bénin, 46pp.

Projet REPINAB – ACED Benin

Renforcement de l’environnement politique et règlementaire pour le développement et la mise à l’échelle des innovations numériques dans le secteur agricole au Bénin (REPINAB). Un projet tiers d'AGriDI mis en oeuvre par ACED-Bénin

AGriDI Factsheet – French

AGriDI is one of 12 Innovation Fund Projects globally that are funded through the ACP Innovation Fund of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) financed by the European Union (EU). Project factsheet - French.

AGriDI Factsheet – English

AGriDI is one of 12 Innovation Fund Projects globally that are funded through the ACP Innovation Fund of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) financed by the European Union (EU). Project factsheet - English.