The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) designed the AGriDI project and was awarded a Euro 4.2 million grant from the Innovation Fund of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) financed by the European Union (EU). The project contributes to implementation of ECOWAS and national policies and strategies related to Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) and ICT as well as the African Union’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA) 2024. Outputs support rollout of the Africa Continental Free Trade area.

The mandate for AGriDI is to make competitive sub-awards for agri-based digital innovation projects in West Africa. Digitizing agriculture is an opportunity to transform agriculture and boost employment for youth entering the labour market. There is need for coordinated efforts of public and private sector actors to unlock the potential of digital technologies, including big data analytics and machine learning, block chain, robotics and drones. The AGriDI project benefits from synergies with the African government-led PASET Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund that icipe is also managing.  


The project aims at creating a conducive environment for agri-based digital innovations, especially for women and youth farmers, and accelerating inclusive green growth in the targeted countries of West Africa. This will be achieved through multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs).

Expected Results


The AGriDI grant enabled icipe and its knowledge partners, Agropolis Foundation and Gearbox Pan African Network, to provide 10 competitive sub-awards to eligible applicants in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region. The selected projects  support co-development and adaptation of digital technologies with end users, especially the private sector, women and youth, and the development of policies to stimulate digital innovation. A particular emphasis is on skills development, entrepreneurship and access to digital technologies for youth and women. Grantees benefit from transfer of skills, know-how and experience to maximize the impact of their actions.


Outcome 1: Increased uptake of agri-based digital technologies by farmers’ cooperatives and SMEs

Outcome 2: Strengthened collaboration between research communities, industry, and policy actors in digital innovations

Outcome 3: Improved knowledge on policymaking facilitating scaling agri-business digital innovations


Output 1.1: Farmer cooperatives and SMEs provided with innovative digital solutions adapted to their needs

Output 1.2: Enhanced capacities of grantees (SMEs, leaders of farmers cooperatives and policy actors, especially women and youth) in using digital solutions for agri-business development

Output 2.1: Functional multi-stakeholder networks established

Output 2.2: Improved awareness of stakeholders in digital innovation on Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) issues

Output 3.1: Improved awareness of policy makers on the importance of agri-based digital innovations